Monday, October 31, 2011

jake and amir is a site that is giving a signed autographed version of Jake and Amir: fired. I would love to see this one.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Batman could be spying on you, for real

Ok I'm doing three parts to this blog and the first is something that scares me, might even scare you. I want people to know I'm not making any statements, only forming a plausible explination of things to come. Wether you want to see it as a theory or a possible prediction, it's up to you. The rest is merrily my thoughts on other matters, take with a grain of salt and an open mind.

The first is about Batman AC and more importantly why aren't people talking about the possible danger of the Gamestop used online pass? Seriously, think about it, WB could use the generated codes to track used game sales from Game Stop as an experiment. If you think about it, why only one retailer? It could be Game Stop offered them a large amount of cash for the ability to sell used copies with codes or payment out of the procedes. But no matter how you look at it, it's just to odd.

If this is true, then yes it could cause problems for the used game market. I'm only posing a theory here and I normaly don't talk about these things, but we have to face reality. Not only that but this really could allow Game Stop to take away more buisness from the smaller stores and even more so if more companies jump on the bandwagon. Anything is possible and even more so, think of how it could ruin the games market in general. They buy the game at a lower cost and sell it back at a higher one, with the promise of a free code. Nothing is ever free, not in this case, not ever.

The second part is a small one that has to do with stores not selling games because of what they believe in. This was mentioned on youtube by a guy named HDShadow who doesn't feel this is right. I say the store owner has the right to not sell products, in fact how many companies do this anyways? It's up to the stores to decide and I support stores who aren't selling Batman AC because of the online pass, it's going to far and needs to stop. The guy doesn't care and feels that only new games should have the content, everyone else screw 'em. No, games should have full content wether you buy it new,used, or rent. It needs to stop. If you think those stores are wrong, you have other options. I for one support their choice and would love to see more people doing this.

Third thing on the list goes back to the idea of the Gamers Unions. To me gamers who choose to spend money on passes and allow for companies to continue the practice will be our downfall. If you truly want a Gamers Union, call it something else for starters. I only say this because union may not fit into the theme. We need more and more gamers to have their voices heard and for those blind to the truth presented to wake up. What that will take I don't know.

In all honesty the first two parts tie into the third. Gamers have to come together and settle on what we consider is right and wrong in gaming today. Wether it's elite service, online passes, dlc, or used games, something has to budge. We can't sit here going over who is right or wrong, who has the biggest dick in all of this. Look at Nintendo so far and how we aren't seeing passes from them yet. They have so many solid games from over the years that people buy them because they love the franchise, even the console. Those pople need to join us as well. We can make all the videos, blogs, websites about them we want but we need to do more. If people can start petions to bring games over here, why can't we do the same to stop passes.

Gamers need to start supporting local game stores first, followed by chains or online. We need to start showing our compassion for games and educate others about what is going on. If you have to debate others fine, if you want to take a stand do so. Don't support the games that have passes and don't support things like Elite services. Do what is right for what is right not only for you, but for everyone else. I'm not going to be buying any game that requires a pass for online play or even to pay a monthly fee after spending big bucks on a game new or used.

If you want Gamers union, start small and localy, then work your way out. Start a page on facebook or where ever, try to get people to join, then go from there. Let your voice be heard. Heck maybe see if your local game store will let you have a petion in store.

I'm Twolf and welcome to my world

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Used game prices pushing digital?

This is going to be a quick blog, but one I want to mention. I feel that certian chain stores are are going to make more people go to digital then they are to buy actual copies of games. I'll explain.

Since where I used to live didn't allow for games to be mailed all of the time, I had to go to a local chain store to buy used games. What I found was that a copy of the game I was looking for was 16.99 compared to the 9.99 I could pay for digital. So digital it was, my thought was why spend more money when I can download the game for less. Even if you factor in certian costs it might have been about the same, but at the time I was thinking price.

Another example is how many games are sold for higher prices then peole are willing to pay for used games and all of a suden they come out on a network at a reduced price. I think that this will happen more, but die hard fans will still buy carts.

Take for example Castlevania Chronicles for the ps1. On Amazon a used copy sells for 24.00 used lowest price or 79.99 starting for brand new. Digital wise 5.99 on the psn. Now I'm sure to collectors this is worth it, but to people who want a good price because they may not be able to pay the cost of a copy, it may be worth it.

Now I did look at Ebay to be fair and the cost was higher. If you look at the cahin store there are no brand new copies but you can buy a digital copy from them . If you look at a used copy of the Dracula X both used and digital are the same. Now here is the kicker the game I mentioned earlier was Justice Legue Heroes for psp. Guess what, they don't have a digital copy to buy as of yet. So basicaly why not try to get more money?

So I sent an email to this chain store after reviewing some other games that didn't have digital downloads on the website or some did but the used/new copies were less. Over 48 hours goes buy and guess what, no answer from them.

Now here is the thing that gets me about their pricing. They told me that they operate at the level of a pawn shop so they adjust their pricing to meet these standards. If that's the case then the only panw shop I've been to was not marking games as high as they should have. I have not heard anyone else say they operate at this level.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Passes can kiss my arse

I love how people can just stand by and say that online passes are ok, and we should bend over and take it. To the people who think we should, I hope your day comes when you have to deal with the same crap we do. Online passes are going to hurt us, plain and simple

The first way they are going to really start hitting us below the belt us the people who decide to rent games. Let's say you decide your going to only rent your games from now on to save some money. You get a game your friend has been talking about and decide to play some multi with them, you got issues now, you have to pay to play even more. On top of that you don't own the game. So now you just paid to use a game that you don't own. Now you've just spent your hard earned money for what?????

Now here is something you don't hear about with passes, Nintendo. I'm serious, when was the last time you heard someone saying you have to have a pass to play a Nintendo game? I have yet to hear anyone complain about this. In fact Xbox, Pc, and Playstation are the only ones I've hard this about, if others have let me know. Raises some questions doesn't it? Why would one company and one company only not have these? The only reason I could think of is people often see Nintendo as a family company and you don't see alot of M games.

Even if you say I don't like online passes and I won't use them, then don't support them. Don't buy the game new, your only letting them have an advantage. If you don't need/want the pass buy used. Also don't tell me that dlc is outside content, because I've seen dlc that let's you unlock content in game. Even more so this comes out at the same time the game does.

New games really are going to kill the industry with all of the passes. At some point people may have enough and sales could come crashing down. Will it happen? That is really hard to say, but I can tell you one thing, if these companies continue they could be in trouble and other companies that don't charge could start seeing alot more revenue coming their way.

If people become sheep and willingly pay money for passes then they only have themselves to blame. Wether it's an elite pass or just a pass to get online content, it's still wrong. People should not be forced to spend hard earned dollars to play a game bought used Games cost to much as it is right now and that may never change. . The gaming community needs more people to stand up and let our voices be heard.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's twofer thursday

It's two for one Thursday for blogs here. Wahoooooo, gonna get some writting done, uh huh uh huh. Okay now that's over with, I'm back to add another blog. Thank you internet for not allowing me to upload the videos I want to.
Ok, so I wanted to kind of touch on something here that I am really hoping to see a video at some point from two of my top youtube gamers, Muzz and Splatter Trigger, and that is pirated games. I have read so many stories about games not only on sites like Ebay but Amazon as well it's scary. To top it off I myself got sold a pirated game and found out it wasn't the first time the seller did this.
Pirated games are going to hurt the used industry because once bought, it's hard to make sure your going to get your money back, let alone the same game. What happened to me was I didn't read the comments for the seller on Amazon and found alot of what was being sold was games with issues or the game I bought was sold as pirated as well. Here is the worst part it was being sold as brand new as well.
I had to find out when I called Nintendo and the seller wanted the game back with no promise of when I would get my money back. Amazon did refund it to me without having to send back. It makes me glad I didn't try Ebay first.
If someone is willing to sell a game as pirated to make a profit, that person has some moral issues. Yes we all need money, but to rip people off is wrong. Wait, kind of like online passes.

Why Batman? Whyyyyyyyy???

Since uploading videos takes forever I wanted to do a blog in response to Muzz from L1 Games video about Batman Arkahm City and the response that it got. You can find the video here:
As someone who buys games more used then new, I find the practice of online passes to be in poor taste. People generaly buy games used because they can't afford the game or just don't want to pay full retail price because they think it's to steep. I have to agree that 60 bucks for a game is more then I'm willing to spend and then have to have an online pass to play as a charcter in the game.
There are people who say it's worth having the online pass and buy the game regardless. To those people I say, that is your choice but good luck getting rid of the game. Who wants to buy a game where you have to pay more money after buying to use certian functions.
In this case you get to play as Catwoman,but you need an online connection. In the case of Gamestop you can get a bonus map if you pre-order. Why should I have to go to a certian store to get a map or even have an online connection to play as a charcter? In the words of Penn and Teller it's "Bull shit".
I have crapy internet at times so contecting to the net isn't always fun. Look, just give me a game where I don't need dlc, a connection, or one set place to buy from. Give me my frickin game complete for a change. It's bad enough where if I want content for some of my psp games I can download the dlc for free, but can't get it on the game? What the hell?????
Now the video got a response from a guy on youtube named (my copy and paste did that). Who calls Muzz a liar for not mentioning how people can use their profile on someone esle's xbox to use the bonus content. No one is perfect, and that's not something alot of people know about or think of.
The message Muzz gives is that that we shouldn't have to have a pass to play content that is already there. The guy throughout the entire comments doesn't get it. Calling someone a liar and a fear monger is nothing more then a childish act when someone forgets something. Big whoop, it happens. I'm sure Samuel the so called freelance journalist hasn't screwed up, oh wait he can't even spell gamer or journalist on his youtube profile. The guy forgets that if he is playing on a friends console he can't play on his, and he thinks he is smart?
If I didn't believe or share the same ideas as Muzz I wouldn't be watching his videos or writing this. I do agree with him and I think he speaks for people that won't speak for themselves. The gaming community needs to make the companies realize that these practices are wrong and until people take more action it will hapen more and more.
I'm not trying to tell anyone on how to think or feel. But people need to think about their actions and how this is going to hurt other people. We have to ask how much longer until they start charging more and more on these passes. How much longer until the used game market is killed and people have to buy new. If that happens, the games industry could crash. I've seen people take in stacks of games just to get one or two new titles. If people can't do this, then new games can't be bought. How much longer until GameFly goes under? Just think about it.
Feel free to comment.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bargin bin

I love bargin prices on video games. Yeah I'm cheap and I don't care. Awhile back my girlfriends son and I were discussing pricing in the bin. He said any game that is in there is priced so low because it sucked and didn't sell. But later on he found a game he wanted that I had in the bargin bin. I looked at him and said "Doesn't suck does it?". He didn't like that I brought this up, but it's a point I like to make.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

catching up

due to illness and other family issues my blog suffered so I'm trying hard to get stuff up here as fast as possible. Maybe 2 a day or every other day for right now.

Bring us Miles Edgeworth

Capcom stated they would not be brining the second Miles Edgeworth to the US awhile back. Something has been bothering me about this since they made the statement. It was stated it may be brought to a different platfrom and nothing is certian. Does this mean they wanted to see how the 3ds market would work and give us a 3d Miles? I hope not, I really can't stand 3d to begin with plus the cost of a 3ds is not worth it. I really don't think any of the Ace Attorney games have gotten the coverage they need here in North America. The truth is I didn't even know about the Pheonix games until I saw one in Best Buy. Since then I have loved the games and want more.

oh subtitles why do you fail me

Ok so I'm going to mention a little pet peeve of mine, the lack of subtitles in key parts of games. Recently I started playing JL Heros for the psp. One of the things that really bugs me is the lack of subtitles for the cut scenes. Why does this bother me? Because my head phone jack doesn't fit right in my psp and I can't use ear buds. Other games have this same issues as well such as the first Persona. Now God of War does a decent job with subtitles as well, but sometimes there is a word or two that doesn't get put in. The other problem is having to dig for the subtitle menu or even worse downloading a movie from the psn only to find out it doesn't include subtitles. I'm just glad Netflix started to add this in for the streaming.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are psp minis worth the money?

I recently started thinking about this when I bought a game off the psn store called Bunny Dodge. It's a little to cutsey for my tastes and nothing like I thought it would be. I've bought plenty of minis to play while taking care of buisness and not all are that bad.
There is a down side to many of the minis and hence their title they are to short. Another part of the problem is the a few of the games look out of date for what graphics can do. What worries me the most is how many games are going to become cross platform and can be played on any console or handheld. Keeping in mind the current state of Iphone and Ipad games I'm suprised we haven't seen a glut of these appear yet.
So what do my readers think of this subject?

Monday, February 21, 2011

A little info

So I'm trying to get in to where I can start doing my thoughts on games as well as other things. Ya never know what is going to pop up in here. I do have a twitter now, never thought I would even have one, but there are people who do have interesting thoughs I would like to see.
For me gaming is in the forms of my pc,psp, ds, no games on the phone. I don't want to pay for the game plus data charges just for downloading. Normaly I play rpgs with some fighters and maybe gambeling games thrown in. Some games people may have played by now or may not have. I try to find stuff that isn't to kiddy because after a long time with a ds I got tired of all the cuteness. Here's to blood,guts, and glory.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Being HOH sucks

In case you didn't know HOH stands for hard of hearing. The worst part of it is how much in life you miss out on. From movies, to music, to simple everyday sounds it makes you feel left out of life.
I love how people think that your just ignoring them or you have selective hearing. It's far from the truth. You hear what you can and in some cases it may be funny, but frustrating.
Let's take youtube and it's closed captioning. The other day I went to watch a video and had to turn on Spansh CC to watch in English CC. WTF???!!! It's bad enough when one of the chanels I watch gets screwed up so much and I have to watch it twice.
By the way in case most people think they are funny, just because I'm HOH doesn't mean you have to say something and be a smartass by saying something else if I ask you to repeat yourself. Yeah I know a few people who do this but I understand because they live with me and get frustrated, but that doesn't give everyone in the world to do it.