Saturday, October 29, 2011

Batman could be spying on you, for real

Ok I'm doing three parts to this blog and the first is something that scares me, might even scare you. I want people to know I'm not making any statements, only forming a plausible explination of things to come. Wether you want to see it as a theory or a possible prediction, it's up to you. The rest is merrily my thoughts on other matters, take with a grain of salt and an open mind.

The first is about Batman AC and more importantly why aren't people talking about the possible danger of the Gamestop used online pass? Seriously, think about it, WB could use the generated codes to track used game sales from Game Stop as an experiment. If you think about it, why only one retailer? It could be Game Stop offered them a large amount of cash for the ability to sell used copies with codes or payment out of the procedes. But no matter how you look at it, it's just to odd.

If this is true, then yes it could cause problems for the used game market. I'm only posing a theory here and I normaly don't talk about these things, but we have to face reality. Not only that but this really could allow Game Stop to take away more buisness from the smaller stores and even more so if more companies jump on the bandwagon. Anything is possible and even more so, think of how it could ruin the games market in general. They buy the game at a lower cost and sell it back at a higher one, with the promise of a free code. Nothing is ever free, not in this case, not ever.

The second part is a small one that has to do with stores not selling games because of what they believe in. This was mentioned on youtube by a guy named HDShadow who doesn't feel this is right. I say the store owner has the right to not sell products, in fact how many companies do this anyways? It's up to the stores to decide and I support stores who aren't selling Batman AC because of the online pass, it's going to far and needs to stop. The guy doesn't care and feels that only new games should have the content, everyone else screw 'em. No, games should have full content wether you buy it new,used, or rent. It needs to stop. If you think those stores are wrong, you have other options. I for one support their choice and would love to see more people doing this.

Third thing on the list goes back to the idea of the Gamers Unions. To me gamers who choose to spend money on passes and allow for companies to continue the practice will be our downfall. If you truly want a Gamers Union, call it something else for starters. I only say this because union may not fit into the theme. We need more and more gamers to have their voices heard and for those blind to the truth presented to wake up. What that will take I don't know.

In all honesty the first two parts tie into the third. Gamers have to come together and settle on what we consider is right and wrong in gaming today. Wether it's elite service, online passes, dlc, or used games, something has to budge. We can't sit here going over who is right or wrong, who has the biggest dick in all of this. Look at Nintendo so far and how we aren't seeing passes from them yet. They have so many solid games from over the years that people buy them because they love the franchise, even the console. Those pople need to join us as well. We can make all the videos, blogs, websites about them we want but we need to do more. If people can start petions to bring games over here, why can't we do the same to stop passes.

Gamers need to start supporting local game stores first, followed by chains or online. We need to start showing our compassion for games and educate others about what is going on. If you have to debate others fine, if you want to take a stand do so. Don't support the games that have passes and don't support things like Elite services. Do what is right for what is right not only for you, but for everyone else. I'm not going to be buying any game that requires a pass for online play or even to pay a monthly fee after spending big bucks on a game new or used.

If you want Gamers union, start small and localy, then work your way out. Start a page on facebook or where ever, try to get people to join, then go from there. Let your voice be heard. Heck maybe see if your local game store will let you have a petion in store.

I'm Twolf and welcome to my world

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