Wednesday, July 27, 2011

oh subtitles why do you fail me

Ok so I'm going to mention a little pet peeve of mine, the lack of subtitles in key parts of games. Recently I started playing JL Heros for the psp. One of the things that really bugs me is the lack of subtitles for the cut scenes. Why does this bother me? Because my head phone jack doesn't fit right in my psp and I can't use ear buds. Other games have this same issues as well such as the first Persona. Now God of War does a decent job with subtitles as well, but sometimes there is a word or two that doesn't get put in. The other problem is having to dig for the subtitle menu or even worse downloading a movie from the psn only to find out it doesn't include subtitles. I'm just glad Netflix started to add this in for the streaming.

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