Monday, February 22, 2010

what you think isn't always what you know

Recently I had the chance to talk to someone I know about past issues. I'm glad that I did because after a long time it made me realize that things are not always as they appear. To many people say things and we beleive them. All I can say is, I feel like a major dumbass.
To be blunt I hate gossip and rumor, most of the time. I only want to hear it if it effects me or is about someone I am close to. You may ask but Twolf, what is this information? That I will not say but it was something major in my life as well as for that person.
I would love for everyone for at least a day or two to try to not spread or listen to gossip/rumor. I would love to see the results. I don't care what it is, just don't do it. I know I will now and I vow to go to the source before I do. No one has anything to gain by listening/spreading gossip. It hurst you and the people you talk about. I know people have heard this but I am speaking my mind.
Speaking of speaking my mind, if you have facebook, do yourself a favor and don't listen to people who think you shouldn't post your thoughs or feelings on there. It's your page, your right, your voice. If those people do the same thing as you are, then they have no right to say anything.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Video games do not teach us to kill

It bothers me how many frickin people say video games teach children how to kill. I thought about it and then started calculating weight and other factors. For a child to kill someone even at a young age a low caliber pistol would have to be used. Think about how heavy weapons are.
I beleive that people need to stop beleiving this and instead think about what it does help them do. It helps them blow off steam after school. It let's them get their aggresion out, and most of all it allows them to do stuff they normaly would not do. If we are going to blame anything on violence, why not blame real life? Or better yet how the child is responding to others?
We need to take time to make sure that the kids are safe and if they are being bullied or what not, take control now. Life isn't fair but guns aren't the answer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Have you ever had a regret in life? Maybe you had someone you had feelings for and didn't tell. Or maybe you were cruel to someone and you now feel bad about it. Maybe you lied to protect something you didn't want others to know about. We all have them and oh sure we don't think about them, but we also don't see the results of what we do.I think we need to step back and think about some of these, but not all. You can't undo the past, because that's what it is after all. But you can explain what you did and see what happens. I know I have regrets but I can't change those now. No one is perfect, we can only grow and learn from what we have done.

Cat ownership

I compare owning a cat to having teenagers. First of all they are moody, don't do what you want them to do, and on top of that they never fricking listen. The good thing is you don't have to send them to school, the only drug you worry about is catnip, and as long as they are fixed no babies.
Now don't get me wrong I love my cats, but at the same time they annoy me. I mean what other creature do you know of that waits until you are asleep to come in and sit on you in the most akward manner while you are sleeping. And they have no cares when they come in and watch you go to the bathroom. I however love to turn the tables and tell them I am watching them go to the bathroom when I am not. One of my cats has started looking around even when I do it. But with 4 cats you have fun.